The Lasting Gift of a Spa Gift Certificate
Christmas comes but once a year, but it seemingly comes incredibly quickly each time it does! We often think we have so much time to find that “perfect” gift for a friend, family member, or the special someone in our lives, but then it’s down to the last minute and...
The Natural Beauty of a Non-Surgical “Facelift”
Non-surgical facelifts are not just a myth. You truly can improve the appearance of your skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and literally lift your face with a variety of spa treatments. At Azure Skin Care Spa + Medical, we offer a variety of cosmetic procedures...
How To Layer Beauty Products
At Azure Spa + Medical, we are proud to offer our clients a variety of treatments that are customized to meet their needs and specifications. However, beyond our in-spa services, there are also at-home care regimens that we know can help our clients acquire and...
The Benefits of a Customized Chemical Peel
After a chemical peel your skin can go through a 1-14 day peeling cycle that you should know is a positive result. The whole idea behind a chemical peel is to have some of the dead, upper layers fall away in order for new skin to be revealed, so peeling = new skin!...
The Truth About Laser Treatments
There are many misconceptions about lasers that we wanted to dispel, and help you better understand the purpose and results of our laser treatment services in particular Different Lasers Deliver Different Results There are many types of lasers on the market, all of...
The Anti-Aging Benefits of CAUDALiE!
Society is, and always has been, transfixed on finding the fountain of youth. Maintaining a youthful appearance seems to be a paramount “need” of ours, so researchers are always busy researching the best way to achieve “youth” in the most natural way possible. At...
Top Skincare Myths
As your Surrey specialist in “everything spa”, we have heard a lot of skincare myths over the years and wanted to take the opportunity to discuss and debunk them for our clients and reading audience alike. So without further ado …let’s discuss! Tanning Booths Can...
Best Fall Beauty Tips
With summer just days away from it’s end, we are starting to pack away our shorts and t’s, and hang up our timeless fall fashions along with perhaps a few new finds. New finds for great skin though, are not always thought of as each season approaches. But as your...
A Balanced Life Leads to Your Best Skin
The quest for clear, ageless skin is the hottest thing going for fall. Much like the quest for the fountain of youth, men and women alike are seeking out the best ways to maintain their skin, and regain the youthful vitality it once radiated with. There are many skin...
How To Keep Skincare Simple and Effective
A lot of times we have clients come in who divulge to us their skincare routine, and often times that routine sounds unnecessarily arduous. Truth be told, there is no need for a lengthy, multi-layered skincare routine that is taking up precious time in your hurried...
Getting Back Your ‘Back to School’ Skin
Cheering can be heard from every home where parents and children reside, with the anticipation of school starting once again this coming week. Granted, the parents are doing more of the cheering than the children, but regardless – happiness abounds! Although the...
How To Eat Your Way To Younger Looking Skin
Similar to the theory that “what goes up, must come down”, the thought that “what goes in, must come out” seems to have an equal truth to it. Simply put - what we put in our bodies must come out in a variety of ways. Including the appearance of our skin, hair, teeth...