Azure Skin Care + Medical Spa


204-6820 188 Street
Surrey, BC V4N 3G6

Open Hours

7 Days a Week


Why Regular Trips to the Spa Should be a 2017 Resolution!

Why Regular Trips to the Spa Should be a 2017 Resolution!

As the year comes to a close, many-a-person is frantically making their New Years resolutions. It’s an exciting time with eager anticipation of newness, growth and even some hopefuls aiming to make some pretty stark changes. And for these valiant hopeful game changers...

The Gift of a Spa Treatment for Your Teen!

The Gift of a Spa Treatment for Your Teen!

In today’s day and age, teens benefit from many modern comforts that perhaps their parents did not, but this should be perceived as a gift of added confidence and not a spoiled reality. The truth of the matter is, is that some comforts can truly help your teen with...

What To Do About Dry Winter Skin

What To Do About Dry Winter Skin

Well winter has un-officially arrived as of this week’s snowfall, and although we don’t often see snow in the Lower Mainland - many of us still suffer from the ravages of the cold outdoor weather combined with the always-going heaters in our homes and vehicles. So at...

The Simple Timesaving Beauty of Eyebrow and Eyelash Tinting

The Simple Timesaving Beauty of Eyebrow and Eyelash Tinting

Having fabulous lashes and full brows is a definite must for 2017, and for the month of December - Azure Spa in Surrey is having an eyebrow and eyelash-tinting sale! So why should you tint your eyelashes and eyebrows you ask? Well allow us to tell you “The Simple...

Winter Skin Survival Tips

Winter Skin Survival Tips

Winter can turn your usually smooth skin into a ruddy dry disaster, so knowing how to combat that can mean the difference between maintaining your flawless skin - or struggling with the elements all winter long. We offer a wide variety of treatments, whether you are...

The Beauty Benefits of Microdermabrasion

The Beauty Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is bountiful in beauty benefits, freshening up a dull face and allowing for your moisturizer to better absorb into your thirsty winter skin. Those benefits alone will make a huge difference in the age-reducing appearance of your neck and face, and...

Regain a Youthful Appearance for 2017!

Regain a Youthful Appearance for 2017!

Feeling youthful is largely a state of mind, but pollution, stress, a lack of sleep; diet, genes and other factors can contribute to the aging effects. So if it has been on your “to-do” list to begin to combat your aged appearance, Azure Spa has some suggestions on...

Reversing the Aging Effects of Age Spots

Reversing the Aging Effects of Age Spots

Aging is truly a beautiful thing and comes with many pleasant realities, but the reality of age spots is that they can add years to your face and prematurely age you. However, there are ways to age with grace and maintain a beautiful skin tone without altering how you...

The Gift of a Spa Treatment for Your Teen!

6 Surprising Ways You Can Combat Wrinkles

At Azure Spa we feel it’s important to celebrate our laugh lines and maintain a natural appearance. We offer a wide variety of ways at our spa in which to do this, but also want to tell you about these 9 Surprising Ways You Can Combat Wrinkles! Become a Back Sleeper...

What to Expect of Your Venus Viva Treatment

What to Expect of Your Venus Viva Treatment

Venus Viva offers a non-surgical, advanced solution for resurfacing your skin, and combines NanoFractional Radio Frequency and SmartScan technology to achieve skin that is smoother and more youthful overall. Venus Viva Treatment Will… - diminish skin damage - minimize...

Seasonal Skincare Tips for Fall

Seasonal Skincare Tips for Fall

Although the end of summer may have felt lackluster this year, the Lower Mainland has had a nice transition into the fall season with a hefty dose of unseasonal sunshine. But as the warm air has begun to cool, resulting in blasts of heater air at home and in the car –...

The Many Ageless Benefits of Venus Viva

The Many Ageless Benefits of Venus Viva

If you have not been exposed to the many revolutionary ageless benefits of Venus Viva, Azure Spa + Medical would love to introduce you to her many wonders! PLUS, for the month of October, Azure is offering an amazing SALE on our Venus Viva treatments. Between the...