Regain a Youthful Appearance for 2017!
Feeling youthful is largely a state of mind, but pollution, stress, a lack of sleep; diet, genes and other factors can contribute to the aging effects. So if it has been on your “to-do” list to begin to combat your aged appearance, Azure Spa has some suggestions on...
Reversing the Aging Effects of Age Spots
Aging is truly a beautiful thing and comes with many pleasant realities, but the reality of age spots is that they can add years to your face and prematurely age you. However, there are ways to age with grace and maintain a beautiful skin tone without altering how you...
6 Surprising Ways You Can Combat Wrinkles
At Azure Spa we feel it’s important to celebrate our laugh lines and maintain a natural appearance. We offer a wide variety of ways at our spa in which to do this, but also want to tell you about these 9 Surprising Ways You Can Combat Wrinkles! Become a Back Sleeper...
What to Expect of Your Venus Viva Treatment
Venus Viva offers a non-surgical, advanced solution for resurfacing your skin, and combines NanoFractional Radio Frequency and SmartScan technology to achieve skin that is smoother and more youthful overall. Venus Viva Treatment Will… - diminish skin damage - minimize...
Seasonal Skincare Tips for Fall
Although the end of summer may have felt lackluster this year, the Lower Mainland has had a nice transition into the fall season with a hefty dose of unseasonal sunshine. But as the warm air has begun to cool, resulting in blasts of heater air at home and in the car –...
The Many Ageless Benefits of Venus Viva
If you have not been exposed to the many revolutionary ageless benefits of Venus Viva, Azure Spa + Medical would love to introduce you to her many wonders! PLUS, for the month of October, Azure is offering an amazing SALE on our Venus Viva treatments. Between the...
Azure Spa Treatments for a ‘Spotless’ Face
A spotless face is an achievement few arrive at but many desire, but there is hope for those who have difficulty keeping their skin clear or for those who are tackling dark spots on their face, and Azure Spa wants to help our reading audience regain hope that there...
How To Turn 40 Into 20 Without Losing a Birthday!
There tends to be a negative emphasis aligned with birthday cakes depending on the number of candles it holds. Whether it’s due to “failing” to arrive at the love+marriage+baby carriage benchmark, or having the thought that you’re too old to go back to school and...
Reverse Those Summer Spots With An EA ProPeel
Despite the use of sunscreen each and every summer, those “summer spots” can still tend to creep up by the end of the season with all the sunshine it contained. However, there are ways to reverse this seemingly unavoidable damage and bring back glowing youthful skin...
3 Amazing Anti-Aging Treatments at Azure Spa!
The desire to maintain an ageless appearance is a trend that has not lost its allure over the years, but what has changed is the aim to appear youthful without looking “altered”. Which has led to individuals seeking out new and better ways to combat aging, without...
Top 3 Reasons Everyone Needs Regular Spa Treatments
With summer quickly coming to a close (sigh…), everyone is buzzing about preparing for fall and the growing stress that comes with it. Which is why we wanted to inform our readers about the importance of taking a minute amidst your busy’ness, and consider a trip to...
Top Physical Improvements of Spa Massage
Spa massage isn’t simply a “relaxing good time”, it also provides physical benefits beyond the relaxing and calming charms of such a spa treatment, and at Azure Spa + Medical - we’re here to help explain the Top Physical Improvements of Spa Massage! Spa Massage...