The Benefits of a Customized Peel
Whether you are looking to address your acne, treat your dry skin, ramp up your anti-aging methods, correct uneven pigmentation, or reduce fine lines and wrinkles due to hydration problems, a customized peel is your one-stop-shop to reacquiring beautiful skin. At...

Considerations Regarding Permanent Hair Removal
As with anything permanent, it takes more consideration than temporary alternatives. Hair removal, for instance, can be conducted temporarily through waxing or threading, or have a more permanent solution via electrolysis or laser hair removal. Some individuals simply...

The Science Behind Venus Freeze and Why It Works!
At Azure Spa, we’re proud of delivering on products and services that truly provide noticeable and lasting results for our clients. One of those services includes our Venus Freeze technology. What is Venus Freeze? Or more aptly put, what ISN’T Venus Freeze?! This...

The Happy Maker of a Spa Treatment
A spa treatment doesn’t always have to be about the treatment itself, it can be a weekly or monthly experience carved out to reconfigure your “happy”. In fact, a spa treatment can be a reprieve from a lot of life circumstances and include benefits such as… De-Stress...

The Scarring Affects of Acne
Acne is a skin condition that can have scarring affects …both physically and emotionally. Having a skin condition that cannot be corrected through the normal skincare process, can be one of the most emotionally scarring things to have to endure – no matter your age or...

How to Solve Under Eye Bags
Under eye bags are a large concern for a lot of our clients as they feel it makes them appear tired and even aged. However, there are ways to guard against and even banish under eye bags …and here’s how! Remove Irritants Often time your eyes will water during the...

A Moms Natural Beauty
May is the month when we celebrate the sacrificial love of our moms. From carpooling to crafts, sporting events to sick days, cooking and cleaning to laundry and bath time …there is a never-ending list of to-do’s on every mother’s agenda, yet it is all done with the...

The Lifespan of a Makeup Brush
Facials are one of our top treatments at Azure Skin Care, as they help to maintain a youthful appearance and healthy glow of your skin, as well as combat the signs and symptoms of aging and dehydrated skin. We see a lot of our clients come in with questions concerning...

Spa Treatments That Help You Look Younger
There are so many creams, potions and treatments in the marketplace today offering the promise of younger looking skin, but which promises can truly be trusted? Allow us to help! Laser Treatments Laser treatments harness the ability to radically reduce fine lines and...

Men and Aging Skin
Men tend to “furrow and crease” with more of a distinguished appeal than women, but for a lot of men - aging gracefully is as important to them as it is to their female counterparts. Depending on your lifestyle, there are often many reasons to maintain physical...

The Beauty Benefits of Exfoliating Your Skin
Exfoliating is to your skin what flossing is to your teeth …the added step necessary for beautiful skin and optimal oral care. Many people forego exfoliating as they feel their cleansing and moisturizing routine is enough to keep their skin the proper shade of clean....

How To Remove and Prevent Age Spots
There are different perspectives to aging around the world, and many benefits that come with the gift of time. However, age spots don’t tend to be one of those benefits, and being able to age gracefully is something we have come to appreciate as a society. One sure...