What to Expect and How to Prepare for a Microneedling Spa Treatmen
If you have always wanted to give a Microneedling Spa Treatment a try – now is a great time! As mentioned in our blog post ‘The Benefits of Microneedling Collagen Induction Treatments in Surrey’: For the month of August, when you purchase a package of 3 microneedling...

Microneedling: Collagen Induction Treatments in Surrey
Microneedling collagen induction treatments in Surrey can offer many benefits for your skin. And because it is a minimally invasive procedure, it is a quick and effective cosmetic solution for many. Whether seeking to address skin that has lost its firm look and feel,...

Spa Treatments to Help You Reset for Summer
For many, a spa treatment is a luxury experience rarely enjoyed. Some might only receive a spa treatment as a gift, while others might splurge once a year when their skin is in dire need. However, there are many reasons why one might choose to invest in a spa...

A Summer Peel That Can Help Your Sun-Drenched Skin
We likely all have the same secret. On some level, we all enjoy laying in the sun. The warmth, relaxation, Vitamin D benefits, along with the general feeling that summer fun has arrived. All these things come with the glorious rays of sunshine, which we can...

3 Spa Treatments Worth Investing In
Seeking a low-maintenance beauty routine? Then these 3 spa treatments worth investing in may be of interest to you! Let’s face it - women are all-too familiar with the time it takes to get ready. So discovering ways in which to save both time and money are definitely...

Enjoy the Ease of Underarm Laser Hair Reduction – ON SALE for June!
For the month of June, Azure Spa in Surrey is happy to provide our customers with the ease of underarm laser hair reduction – which is ON SALE for June! Take advantage of 3 underarm laser treatments for $180, or 1 treatment for $65, offering the perfect time to rid...

Self-Care: Allow Azure Spa to Help with Your Personal Care
As a boutique spa in Surrey, we provide our clients with luxury, quality and comfort under the care of our attentive staff. We believe in the importance of self-care and can help you manage your personal care through a variety of services. Choose our Medical Spa...

The Benefit of Investing in Brazilian IPL Treatments
Azure Spa is happy to be offering our customers our Brazilian IPL Treatments at a SALE PRICE this month! Helping you achieve a customized hair reduction treatment “down there” will ensure you are ready for bathing suit weather this summer – and every season that...

Best Pre-Summer Spa Treatments to Schedule Now!
Although we are barely a month into spring and a solid 2 months away from summer – there are some pre-summer spa treatments that you may want to schedule in now! Whether you have been wishing for the time-saving measure of laser hair-removal, you desire to tackle your...

Silk Peel Treatment Explained: The Solution for Healthy, Vibrant, Rejuvenated Skin
Seeking a skin resurfacing treatment that won’t leave your skin in the healing stages indefinitely? Then a Silk Peel Treatment might be exactly what you’re looking for. This skin smoothing treatment offers more than the popular microdermabrasion treatments, while...

Allow Azure Spa to Help You ‘Spring Clean’ Your Skin!
Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home; your skin can also benefit from a ‘spring clean’ of sorts – and Azure Spa can help you spring clean your skin. Whether sloughing away dry, dead winter skin with a Silk Peel Dermal Infusion Treatment, or taking advantage of our...

The Ageless Benefits of Versa IPL Treatment for Your Face, Neck and Chest
At Azure Spa + Medical we want to tell our community all about the ageless benefits that our Versa IPL Treatments can offer for your face, neck and chest. While many spas may offer results via a variety of creams and services, this is a treatment that truly works, and...