Azure Skin Care + Medical Spa


204-6820 188 Street
Surrey, BC V4N 3G6

Open Hours

7 Days a Week



Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and it doesn’t only crave good nutrition, it requires it in order to repair itself and to be healthy, firm and vibrant.

Studies suggest that what you put into your body can either improve and protect your skin, or diminish and even damage it.

What About …Putting What Your Eat Directly ON Your Skin?

Lotions and serums that contain vitamins C or E are beneficial as these are the main vitamins that protect against sun damage. And ones that contain vitamins A or B3 have the ability to correct the sun damage your skin has suffered. But simply applying them to your face is not as effective as eating a healthy diet filled naturally with these vitamins. So these lotions and serums should be considered more of an aid than a replacement for a good diet.

Let it Glow Let it Glow Let it Glow

‘Tis the season for snow, which is actually a seldom occurrence in the Lower Mainland, but ‘tis ALWAYS the season for glowing radiant skin.

So how does one acquire glowing skin?

  • Quit smoking! We’ve said it once; we’ll say it again …smoking is one of the greatest causes of aging and pre-mature wrinkling. So for the love of yourself and your skin …stop!
  • Eat a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains.
  • Sweat out the toxins by exercising daily. This also helps to boost blood flow and flush out dirt and other impurities
  • De-Stress. Whether that means booking a spa treatment, or simply going for a walk, reducing or eliminating stress is your best defense against aging skin and breakouts. So pick something that will make you smile, and do it often!

At Azure Spa + Medical we’re here to help. Whether you need a pick-me-up facial refresher, BOTOX injections, or a soothing massage, our Cloverdale Spa offers the products and service that can help ensure you are looking your ageless best!

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