Azure Skin Care + Medical Spa


204-6820 188 Street
Surrey, BC V4N 3G6

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7 Days a Week



You may or may not have heard, but retinoid creams are all the rage when it comes to anti-aging. This prescription-based cream offers the ability to unclog pores, reduce fine lines, boost collagen and increase the turnover of cells while smoothing out the texture and colour of your skin …all within as little as 4 weeks. This means if you begin using a retinoid cream now – you could very likely see vastly improved skin by the New Year!

What Is a ‘Retinoid’ and Why Is It Used?

The term ‘retinoid’ is actually describing the vitamin A derivatives and was originally used 40 years ago as a prescription acne treatment.

Dermatologists came to recognize that those using the cream also benefited from the aforementioned skin-clearing advantages, and thus – it became a mainstream anti-aging cream that has many people thrilled with the outcome.

What is the Difference Between ‘Retinoid’ and ‘Retinol’?

Simply put, prescription retinoid creams are more potent and thus more (quickly) effective. Although retinol creams definitely still work depending on the brand and the number of active ingredients they contain. But overall, you are looking at 12-week results over 4-weeks.

Retinoid Application Process for Best Results

There can be some initial redness and flaking due to dryness when you first begin using a retinoid cream, so you should pace yourself. Apply it in the evening, use it every third night for the first 2 weeks to see how your skin reacts, and then begin using it every other night for the next 2 weeks.

You should also wait around 15 minutes after cleaning your face before applying it, and use a tiny pea-sized drop in order to cover your entire face; same goes for your neck. After it has fully absorbed, you can then also apply a moisturizer, ensuring it does not contain any counteracting ingredients.

Looking for another cutting edge anti-aging advice and technology? Azure Spa + Medical is a boutique treatment center in the heart of Clayton Heights, Surrey, and we would be thrilled to meet with you and discuss our Venus Freeze treatments and other services and products, helping you to age in the way you deserve … beautifully!

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